Technology for Wildlife Conservation

Appiko envisions a future where humans and animals live in harmony. We've started off with SensePi - a reliable low-power app-configurable motion sensor.

Products of Appiko



Sense is the family name for our sensors. We have developed the SensePi,  and a SenseBe is on the way. More details here.


Snap is the friendly neighbour. Snap refers to the devices that receive alerts from 'Sense's and then actuate an action - like trigger a camera or set off an alarm. More details here.


The Sense and Snap only speak Seek. Seek is a custom low power wireless protocol that Sense and Snap use to communicate. Who just went by? Did you see what he was wearing?


Setup is a cross-platform app available on PlayStore and AppStore. Use Setup to connect over Bluetooth with the Senses or Snaps and tell them what to do.  

SensePi Tripod


SensePi is a low-power, app-configurable, environment-proof passive IR based motion sensor.  

SensePi is super friendly motion sensor that will do your bidding. Parameters like sensitivity, thresholds, burst shots and many more can be configured from any android or iOS device. It can last for years on a pair of AA batteries. Dont believe us? Write to us and ask for a sample.  

Know more

Want early access to SensePi?
We'll let you as soon as they're ready.


Appiko began in Oct 2017. We are registered in India as Zazu Wildlife Technologies Pvt Ltd. 

Save the world!

Appiko is looking for committed, passionate people with experience in wildlife conservation, photography and a love for making things work. If you think you would like to join our journey, please write to us. Better still, drop by our coworking haunt at Jaaga Startup to meet us. Watch out for the unicycles!
Work with Appiko

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Where we make

Jaaga Startup
6th Floor, Rich Homes Apt.
5/1, Richmond Road,
Bengaluru 560025

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